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Popcorn Promotion Suggestions


Make sure every Unit, no matter how experienced, is called. Conclude call by reminding them that the popcorn sale is a win-win program. It strengthens both the Unit and the Council, which results in a better program for the Scouts.


Suggestions for Roundtables:


  1. Display all products.

  2. Have a colorful poster displaying popcorn forms and information (take order form, prize brochure, important dates and locations, commission structure, and etc.)

  3. Borrow a popcorn popper and have fresh popcorn available for Unit sampling.

  4. Have commitment cards available, try to get the Unit’s commitment if they have not already done so, even if the Popcorn Chairman’s name is not known yet (use the Leaders name as a contact).

  5. Have handout of important District popcorn information.

    1. Dates of Council sponsored kickoff meetings.

    2. Dates of popcorn sale, date popcorn orders, prize orders, and money is due.

    3. District Popcorn Kernels’s name and telephone number.


Making Unit calls:

A primary responsibility of the District Popcorn Kernel is to increase Unit participation.  Ask the Unit leader the following questions:


  • Have they received and returned a commitment card? If not, record information over the telephone.

  • Have they recruited a Unit Popcorn Chairman? If not, review the responsibilities and ask them to give you the name.

  • Inform them of Council popcorn kickoff and training date and emphasize the importance of attending.

  • Do they have any questions? Give them your name and telephone number for future questions.


Know the Unit’s background. Sell them on the benefits of selling popcorn:


  • List examples of Units paying for summer camp, advancements, pinewood derby cars, etc. with popcorn profits.

  • Explain the Council’s use of funds to improve camping facilities, offer more Council and District activities, etc. Be specific about how the Council uses the popcorn profits to benefit the Units.


Why Units do not sell:

Use the objections and solutions to help you address Unit concerns like:

  1. New Unit

  2. Lack of adequate leadership

  3. Do not need the money and/or participate in other fundraisers.


QUESTIONS?  Email us at or call 1-800-624-2060, 812-347-2441 or fax 812-347-3336. 

CAMP MASTERS Popcorn ™ © 2024  Reproduction of any portion of this site, in whole or in part, is expressly forbidden except for use with the CAMP MASTERS Popcorn sales programs.

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