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Job Description

District Executive

Assist in the coordination of the sale in your District in order to help Units become financially stable and reach the District’s sales goal.


  • Have an understanding of the Council popcorn sale.

  • Work with the District Chair to recruit District Popcorn Chair.

  • Work with the District Popcorn Chair to recruit committee for distribution, marketing, and training positions.

  • Work with the District Popcorn Committee, train Units on  “Fund Your Adventure”,

  • Ensure that Units are planning and budgeting for the entire year of Scouting activities.

  • Ensure all new Units are offered the “New Unit” popcorn program.

  • Promote popcorn sale at roundtables, camporees, new Unit meetings, committee meetings, Pow-Wow’s, and other Scouting events.

  • Promote sale at day camps, long term summer camps, pre-camp meetings.

  • Work with the District Popcorn Committee to obtain Unit commitments for sale.

  • Assist the popcorn order process within the District.

  • Promote Super Saturday and distribution location and dates.

  • Attend Council popcorn victory meeting. Submit comments on effectiveness of the sale and recommendations.


District Chair

Assist in the coordination of the sale in your District in order to help Units become financially stable and reach the District’s sales goal.​


  • Have an understanding of the Council popcorn sale.

  • Work with the District Executive to recruit District Popcorn Chair.

  • Assist the District Popcorn Chair to recruit committee for distribution, marketing, and training positions.

  • Ensure that all Units are trained on “Fund Your Adventure”,

  • Ensure all new Units are offered the “New Unit” popcorn program.

  • Promote popcorn sale at District events to include roundtables, camporees, new Unit meetings, committee meetings, and other Scouting events.

  • Promote Super Saturday and distribution location and dates.

  • Submit comments on effectiveness of the sale and recommendations.


District Popcorn Chair “Kernel”

Coordinate the sale in your District in order to help Units become financially stable and reach the District’s sales goal.


  • Recruit a District Popcorn Committee consisting of individuals to fill the jobs of marketing, distribution, training, and finance.

  • Work with the District Popcorn Committee to meet with all Units to help them plan their “Fund Your Adventure” campaign.

  • Work with the Popcorn Committee, contact Units individually to explain the popcorn sale, attain their commitment, establish Unit Chair and encourage goal setting with their Unit.

  • Attend Council kick-off and briefing meetings.

  • Promote sale by participating in your Districts program kickoff and roundtables.

    • Set up display with product, sales material and Unit commitment forms to encourage Units to learn more about the popcorn sale and the benefits to their Unit.

  • Ensure participation of the Unit captains at the Council kick-off meeting. If Units do not attend training, set up a time to go over changes in program, commission structure, etc. Do not give them the sales packet without first training the Unit leaders.

  • Remind Units of pick-up time and location of popcorn distribution.

  • Ensure product is verified at delivery location before Unit delivery day and coordinate distribution on delivery day. Distribution sites need to have Boy Scout staff as well as plenty of volunteers. It is important we make distribution as easy as possible for our Units. Plan to arrive early or come in the night before to start separating the orders.

  • Help recruit 1 or 2 people to help at Distributing.

  • Remind units of Super Saturday and what paperwork needs to be turned into the Council.

  • Attend Council popcorn victory meeting. Submit comments on effectiveness of the sale and recommendations.

  • Work with District Committee to conduct “Fund Your Adventure” Training in your District.


District/Section Popcorn Lieutenant Kernel

Assist in the coordination of the sale in your District/section in order to help Units become financially stable and reach the District’s/section’s sales goal.


  • Help the Kernel achieve a successful District sale.

  • Attend the following key meetings:

    • Popcorn “Lieutenant” Kernel briefing and orientation.

    • District Kernel & Lt. Kernel Meeting.

    • Unit Popcorn Coordinator Kick-Off meeting.

  • Promote Unit participation in the sale at your monthly District Roundtable meetings.

  • Assist the popcorn order process within your District/section.

  • Promote Super Saturday and distribution location and dates.

  • Participate in a post sale review and critique meeting.

  • Help train Units on “Fund Your Adventure


District/Section Popcorn Unit Captain

Assist in the coordination of the sale in your District/section in order to help Units become financially stable and reach the District’s/section’s sales goal.


  • Help the Kernel achieve a successful District sale.

  • Promote Unit participation in the sale at your Unit meetings.

  • Assist the popcorn order process within your District/section.

  • Promote Super Saturday and distribution location and dates.


QUESTIONS?  Email us at or call 1-800-624-2060, 812-347-2441 or fax 812-347-3336. 

CAMP MASTERS Popcorn ™ © 2024  Reproduction of any portion of this site, in whole or in part, is expressly forbidden except for use with the CAMP MASTERS Popcorn sales programs.

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